Spirit and the Serpent


The devil is associated always with the “serpent power.” Jesus’ offensive words, “your father, the devil,” indicate that a “serpent power” fathers the flesh of man and its lusts, which is to say, man is involved with a powerful material factor that is resurrected in him generation after generation. (In 1928, scientists learned that a certain “coil” could be resurrected: when a batch of dead “S” bacteria were added to living “R” bacteria, the DNA of the dead “S” type somehow took over the “R” bacteria converting them to the living “S” type.) Jung observed that the devil is seen to be lord of matter. Evil is said to be of Satan’s domain which is represented as eternally burning; in this regard evil coincides with matter’s oxidizing. Satan is somehow a discrete play of energy, and so is matter. God has cast Satan, evil, out of His realm; God, good, remains as spirit only, spirit with dominion over evil, matter.

So there it is: Spirit/God = Good; Matter/Satan = Evil. Nice and tidy, wrapped up with a pretty bow. Isn’t it nice when we can have simple, straight-ahead black and white answers? That way we don’t have to think, challenge ourselves, or wonder about God at all! But hold on. Maybe it’s not so simple. Preston Harold continues:

Although Jesus saw that life itself is spirit, He saw that spirit is wedded to material being…by definition the word good is also deeply if not completely involved in the material realm. Good and evil are so intermingled in creation they appear to be that which the Creator has joined, both necessary to life in manifestation.


Remember the parable of the wheat and the tares?…

Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.

The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’

‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.

The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’

‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’” -Matt. 13:24-30

And Jesus’ words from the Gospel of John?…

“Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out—those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned.” -John 5:28-29

Jesus says that God is love. Love does not, apparently will not or cannot, do away with evil. Evil too, is resurrected. Why?

Good question! We’ll look for an answer in our next post. Until then, peace…

Spiral Coils

A few images to meditate upon before reading this post:


 Old tree trunk with knots and patterns whirlpool ??????????????????????????????????????? whirlpool2NASA-SpiralGalaxyM101-20140505



The same principle is involved in each of these phenomena: a coiling, or spiraling action/motion. These forms are an open secret; the spiraling/coiling movement is the principal of life itself.   This movement appears from the smallest forms of life to the largest, from DNA to galaxies. One must wonder if the entire universe is one constantly rotating, coiling spiral! Science and technology have done a great service in helping us to see both DNA and galaxies with our own eyes so that we may understand and make the spiraling connection between them. But how does religion and spirituality approach these marvels? In her “Palestinian Mystery Play,” Winifred Babcock writes:

It is time for Science to take a deeper look into religious expression.

Is there an ancient and intuitive understanding of DNA-RNA, which takes the shape of a coil, a double-helix, a spiral, and is today known to be the “very stuff” of life? Genesis says that the “play of energy” that leads to the expression of life is “serpent” – a coiling action – involving an “intertwining” code script (the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life), so that a double helix and spiraling form is basic in energy’s expression.

The Shining Stranger states:

Consider that the real problem of the truth bearer who has realized hidden, inner working and would share it, is how to transmit the information. Before the second or third century B.C., a man devised a symbol to convey his realization that life is involved in a coil and coiling action, which he named Kundalini, the Serpent Power lying at the base of the spine. Did he see in his mind’s eye “something” akin to DNA, the mysterious “coil of life” that seems to be at once the mind and matter of flesh? The symbol, Kundalini, has inspired the Yogi to fantastic manipulations of the flesh. But Jesus said, in effect, that manipulations of the body are futile, for the flesh itself “profiteth nothing.”


And yet, for there to be biological life, flesh/material being is necessary. We will look at the marriage between Spirit and matter in our next installment. Until then, peace…

Thicker Than Water


“Blood is a very special juice.” – Goethe

“The life of the body is in it’s blood.” – Leviticus 17:11

Blood. Doc Martin vomits at the sight of it. People swear oaths by it. What is it that is so powerful about this fluid? I remember the first time I ever bled. I must have been about 3 years old. There was an exacto knife on a shelf of our basement. Curiosity got the best of me, wondering what this shiny point was at one end of this stick-like thing. I put my thumb on it to get a sense of it. There was a strange pain. Looking at my thumb, a deep red fluid started pouring out from it. It was terrifying! Something told me that this was my very life escaping my body. I screamed at the top of my lungs while my mother came rushing down the stairs to see what was the matter. After a trip to the hospital to get stitched up I slowly realized everything was going to be o.k. I was going to live. Whew! I still bear the scar from this incident on my right thumb to this day. Talk about a learning experience!

In his “What is Life?,” Erwin Schrodinger says that living organisms feed upon negative entropy to compensate the entropy increase they produce by living, and that while living matter doesn’t elude the laws of physics, it is very likely to involve other laws of physics not yet known. But once these laws have been revealed they will form just as integral a part of this science as the former.


Preston Harold says

In blood, the organic and inorganic realms are yoked. Hemoglobin, the blood protein, “can be split into two substances, heme and globin. While the latter is a simple protein, the former is not protein at all, but an iron-containing substance, with none of the properties ordinarily associated with protein. In hemoglobin, this nonprotein portion is tightly joined to the protein. Hemoglobin is, therefore, a conjugated protein…” (Asimov, “The Genetic Code”) Poetically speaking, at some point in creation, prime “stuff” that was iron-substance must command prime “stuff” that was simple protein to “partake of my substance” (or vice versa) in order to have life, in order for hemoglobin to be.

The word protein means: of first importance. Jesus’ teaching points to man’s psychic makeup that parallels the makeup of blood. This is to say, God is no longer a “simple protein,” God is now a “conjugated protein” in the enjoinment of Father and Son, the Holy Spirit the matrix in which they have their being. Jesus’ blood is shed, is given, that a new testament, a new statement, of this truth may come into being: God as The Absolute is no more, Father and Son are as a one-to-one correspondence.

Jesus likens the relationship of the makeup of our blood to the makeup of the very being of God. So in giving us His blood, He gives us “very God of very God.” What more “Biotheology” does Jesus have to reveal to us? We will continue to probe this thread in our next installment. Until then, peace.